The Coaching Approach to Communication

I would like to share three core principles which summarises what I call the coaching approach – a way of communicating that empowers someone else to make choices that are authentic for them: Advice Oscar Wilde said, “The best thing to do with good advice is to pass it ...

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The Benefits of NLP for Personal Development

The benefits of NLP are myriad and different for each student. NLP School founder and head trainer Robbie Steinhouse discovered NLP 25 years ago whilst struggling with running a growing business combined with the demands of family life. Below is his take on how learning NLP benefitted him and ...

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How NLP Coaching Works

NLP and NLP Coaching started by noticing the questions of famous therapists and putting them into different groupings, which became known as the Meta Model. The model was influenced by the famous linguist Noam Chomsky and his principle of surface structure and deep structure. Simply put, in NLP, surface ...

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The Drama Triangle – How to Spot Dysfunctional Behaviour.

The Drama Triangle is a psychological model generally used to describe dysfunctional relationships when people move through the roles of ‘victim’, ‘rescuer’ and ‘persecutor’ creating an emotional storm or drama. More generally, turn on a television, read a newsfeed or listen to a colleague, friend or family member who ...

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What is NLP, and How Could It Help Me?

NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming, uses perceptual, behavioural, & communication techniques to help people change their thoughts & actions. NLP was originally developed by Dr Richard Bandler and John Grinder. They observed sessions by psychotherapists such as Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir and Milton Erickson, identifying common patterns and positive ...

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NLP Techniques For Managers & HR Professionals

Many managers and HR Professionals attend our NLP courses, and in this article, we explain some of the key benefits they gain by using NLP techniques. To manage and mentor competent people, especially millennials, using traditional management methods simply does not work, or worse, can alienate people, in today’s ...

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Why Have Coach Supervision?

Whether you are a newly qualified coach starting to build your confidence and experience, or have many coaching years under your belt, supervision is an invaluable resource. It offers an opportunity to meet with an individual or group who absolutely gets what you do for a living. It’s where ...

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The Meta Model – How Beliefs Are Born

Working with beliefs in coaching is a fundamental part of helping clients achieve positive change. The Meta Model was the first model of NLP and was designed to help identify and categorise limiting beliefs into three groups: distortions, generalizations, and deletions. This post will give a summary of how ...

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Being Perfect Is The Problem!

Why do so many of us feel we need to be perfect? Psychologist Carl Rogers emphasized the importance of self-acceptance and being enough rather than striving for an unachievable perfection. He also highlighted the significance of unconditional positive regard, both for ourselves and for others. Perceiving ourselves as good ...

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NLP Practitioner Training – Why did I do it?

There is a saying in coaching and therapy: “The presenting problem is never the real problem.” Looking back to when I did my first NLP Practitioner training twenty years ago, I believed at that time that NLP would give me some new skills to help me manage my business ...

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How can creative writing enrich coaching and NLP?

As a budding author of fiction, my wife Anna arranged a creative writing lesson for me with her friend and author Hattie Edmonds. I was amazed to note how the ‘process’ fitted nearly exactly into Dilts’ & Gilligan’s six-step Generative Coaching structure. It also featured many principles I was ...

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10 Reasons Why Mindfulness is Useful

Mindfulness reportedly has huge benefits to your health, happiness, wellbeing, energy and effectiveness. Why then doesn’t everyone simply do it?  I believe the reason is that while you are learning how to master it, you need to also learn why you are doing it. Otherwise, it can simply become an unpleasant ...

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Gaining a Personal Vision from a “Future Self”

At the 2020 NLP Conference I presented a session with the title ” Can models and theories co-exist” where, to cut a long story short, I made the argument that yes – indeed they can. In my Advanced NLP Coaching course I combine NLP Timelines with processes from Transactional ...

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How do you Define Your Identity?

Changing the way we define ourselves (our identity) can have some huge benefits but can cause some significant issues. A good way to start is to consider an important question – How do we define our identity? This could include: Our perceived roles in life: work, family, aspirational, race, ...

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The ‘Secret’ to Lasting Success as a Leader

In this video, I give some tips on business leadership and entrepreneurship. I am being interviewed in Tbilisi, Georgia by Nik Shurgaia – a close friend and an experienced bank CEO. Nik has gained a large following in Georgia by posting videos of his views on leadership and entrepreneurship ...

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How do Beliefs and Identity Overlap?

The Value of Santa Claus Having completed teaching our NLP Master Practitioner in Georgia yesterday, I wanted to explain some insights I shared around changing beliefs and identity. I started the training with Robert Dilts’ Belief Change Cycle, an elegant process based on the principle that most of our ...

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How To Use Somatic Archetype Coaching

Having recently completed creating Judy Delozier’s Somatic Coaching eLearning programmes, it struck me just how intuitive and powerful Somatic Archetype approaches are. In this blog I want to give a range of examples of how to use them in coaching and also in your own personal growth. Anchoring The ...

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What is Somatic or ‘Body Wisdom’ Coaching?

“The body never lies” – Martha Graham Somatic Coaching is a way of utilising both the words and movements of a client within a coaching session. It also teaches the coach how to become aware of how their own body communicates – both to the client, and to themselves, ...

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8 Steps to Successful Personal and Organisational Change

In organisations, or personal life, if resistance is experienced by a conflict or boundary issue, it is probably because a belief or value has been challenged. Conflict or distrust often originate from communication misunderstandings. Individual and team discussions around core values create better connections and greater understanding.

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NLP Practitioner Training – Why did I do it?

There is a saying in coaching and therapy: “The presenting problem is never the real problem.” Looking back to when I did my first NLP Practitioner training twenty years ago, I believed at that time that NLP would give me some new skills to help me manage my business ...

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How NLP Goal Coaching Can Change Your Life

In this blog, I will explain three parts of an NLP goal coaching process which I will be covering in full during our free lunchtime zoom session on 9th Feb. Coaching is often taught as a process consisting of a list of different types of questions. Behind these questions ...

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Robbie Recommends: A Christmas Gift Guide for Coaches

From business to existentialism, I hope this wide selection will have something for everyone this Christmas. I also recommend them all to coaches, therapists and those who love psychology. Chris Voss – Never Split the Difference Although books about negotiation may seem shallow, materialistic and potentially boring – I ...

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Lockdown 2: How to Look After Your Mental Health

With lockdown measures starting again across the world, I wanted to write a blog on how to mentally ‘weather the storm’. I have revisited a mix of ideas from Stoicism (an ancient Greek and Roman philosophy), Transactional Analysis (a more modern psychology stating we have an inner parent, adult ...

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How do you answer the question, “Who are you?”

With our Advanced Coaching training starting in early December, I have been revisiting a coaching process I created called Rescripting. The principle behind this is that one way of defining our identity is as a character in a story that has a specific script or destiny. What ties A ...

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Your Guide to NLP: The Basics

In today’s blog post, I want to discuss the basics of what NLP is, who it might be useful for, and what it could do for you, both personally and professionally. What is NLP? NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. Our brain and nervous system are programmed by the ...

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How to Achieve Your Goals Using NLP

Every motivational speaker will tell you reaching the next level is about setting goals and achieving them. The bigger and more audacious the goal, the better! So go on, get achieving! Now! But things don’t work that way… The trouble is, things don’t always work out that way. Life ...

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Profiling and Learning Styles – Useful or Oversimplified?

With our first ever zoom blended learning Practitioner starting in just over two weeks, I wanted to write a blog about some of the important principles we cover in the training: profiling and learning styles. Profiling from Personal Preference Psychometric profiling has been a huge influence on organisations for ...

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How to Empower Coaching Clients

You can empower coaching clients by teaching them to own it. This is the new principle that I introduced as part of the client contracting process on my Coach Training with NLP, TA and Mindfulness course, which I am now teaching online. The principle was for participants to notice ...

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Using Perceptual Positions for NLP Coaching

An NLP concept I use a lot is that of Perceptual Positions – also known as ‘Different Perspectives’.  The three most commonly used are: First Perceptual Position is the one we habitually use, seeing things from our own perspective. Second Perceptual Position is when we take another persons’ perspective. ...

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How to Gain a Leadership Identity

Are you your job role? The word identity has multiple possible meanings. It can be perceived as a job role such as an accountant or a marketing manager. However, when you meet people who work in these roles, they often have shifted this skill set to their actual identity, ...

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Five Leadership Tips to Make Criticism Your Friend

In my Leadership Matrix model below, each character, or Archetype, represents a positive business energy. Each Archetype also has a Shadow – a potentially problematic manifestation of that Archetype. In this blog I will offer 5 tips around criticism, and relate them to the Archetypes I detail in my ...

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Leadership: The Capability Sets

In this blog, I shall look at the skills that make up effective leadership. The capability sets of leadership My model began life in the business world. If you find the tasks a bit ‘business-y’ on first appearance, please bear with me. I have subsequently found that they actually ...

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NLP: Learn The Essentials in 5 Minutes

NLP was born in the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) in the early 1970s. It was started informally by a group of students and teachers as a way to study excellence and interests that fell outside of any of the academic faculties. This created a culture of creativity ...

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Coaching and Happiness – Can You Coach People Happy?

Often clients come to a coaching session with quite simple, technical ‘presenting’ issues. They want to be more effective managers, to influence senior people or to delegate more effectively. But the thing underlying all of these desires is often much simpler – happiness. “If you solved this problem, how ...

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How to Coach Emotions in Business

One area that seems frowned upon in business is the idea of emotion. Business is generally conducted in a rational and steady way, and people who are ‘too emotional’ are often considered unprofessional or worse. However, it is also well known that when people repress their feelings totally, this ...

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What Are Values in NLP and Why Are They Important?

NLP started out back in the 1970s with a technological approach to therapy (analysing the linguistic structure of unhelpful beliefs). I like to think it has retained some of that early rigour and clarity, but in other ways it has softened and become more humanistic. One of the key ...

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Becoming a Leader: From Specialist to Generalist

Many people come to a point in their career where they realize that continuing to practice the specialist skill they have mastered has become an impediment to fulfilling their ambitions in becoming leaders. We are brought up with a belief that the way to succeed at work is to ...

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How to Get Over Anxiety Using NLP Techniques

We live, we are told, in an anxious world. We’re anxious about our jobs, our families, our futures. This has been exacerbated by the current economic and global climate. So how can we ease our anxiety, and how can NLP help with this? I explore these questions, in this ...

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What Are NLP Presuppositions and How Can You Use Them?

The presuppositions emerge over and over again in NLP, and can be particularly useful for people who are looking to review and revise their thinking patterns. ‘Presuppositions’ is probably not the best word for them (but is the standard NLP word used). The word implies a logical necessity: that ...

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Content and Process: The Essence of NLP Coaching

Have you ever listened in suprise as someone aggressively tells you they are kind, considerate and approachable? This is the difference between content and process – a key skill that NLP can teach you, and the essence of NLP coaching. What is content and process? Oftentimes the story that ...

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How Can NLP Help in the Caring Professions?

Recently, the caring professions have been in the public eye, and the public’s mind. Helping people whose job it is to help others is more important now than ever before. With this in mind, I’ll be giving suggestions this week on how NLP can be used by caring professionals, ...

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Guest Blog: Magical NLP by Rachel Brushfield

NLP is magical! Training in neuro linguistic programming (NLP) over twenty years ago is one of the best decisions I have made in my 30-year career. I did 3 courses over a two-year period, NLP practitioner, NLP masters and NLP coaching.  What NLP has offered me Not only did ...

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10 Reasons Why Mindfulness is Useful

Mindfulness reportedly has huge benefits to your health, happiness, wellbeing, energy and effectiveness. Why then doesn’t everyone simply do it?  I believe the reason is that while you are learning how to master it, you need to also learn why you are doing it. Otherwise, it can simply become an unpleasant ...

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How to Make A Decision Under Pressure

In my coaching experience, one thing that particularly concerns some people is having to make a decision under pressure. Especially when someone is pushing them to say ‘yes’ and to do so right now! It often feels easiest to give in. Doing so is, of course, a decision in itself, ...

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5 Books for Personal Development During the Lockdown

To celebrate the fact that all of Robbie’s books are now available directly from the NLP School website, this week’s post takes a look at a few other brilliant personal development books, and how they can help you during the lockdown. To find out more about Robbie’s books, click ...

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How NLP Can Help You with Procrastination

 “For things to reveal themselves to us, we need to be ready to abandon our views about them.”― Thich Nhat Hanh As the lockdown continues, many of us are trying to use the time to achieve certain goals. Whether it be writing, meditating or exercising more, there are goals, big ...

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NLP School in Lockdown: Our Recommendations

As our global collective gets used to the temporary new normal, we’re finding new ways to spend our time. Nights out have turned into Zoom Karaoke sessions. Going to the bookshop has been replaced with shopping your own home library (who doesn’t have shelves of books that they’ve never ...

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How to Be Happier Using NLP Techniques

Happiness has been a topic of discussion since the early philosophers. As a practice and a state, it is just as relevant in the present day. As the COVID-19 lockdown begins to affect people’s mood, many are starting to search for new ways of coping with uncertainty, bringing balance to ...

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When Is Fear Good For You?

I’m familiar with fear. We’ve been together for a while now.  Growing up, I was an anxious child. Quite literally afraid of the shadows (in post-Soviet Georgia, where I grew up, there were a lot of power cuts. Every time the power went out, and the shadows appeared, apparently ...

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Leading Yourself Through Uncertainty

There is a saying: ‘charity begins at home’. Perhaps during these challenging times, we can change this to: ‘leadership begins at home’. In this blog I want to offer some ideas of how a leadership model can provide comfort and clarity in times of profound uncertainty and change. The ...

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Guest Post: Janet Woodjetts

Two years ago I was invited to contribute to the book Inspirational, Fabulous and Over 40. Along with 11 incredibly courageous and inspirational women, I crafted my piece and concluded my chapter (“With Love, Fun and Gratitude”) with advice to ‘my younger self’. I reflected that my R & ...

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School’s Out: How to Teach Your Kids from Home

Juggling education and employment can be really difficult. Let alone someone else’s education, and your own employment. In the past few weeks, many parents have found themselves having to teach their children from home. All while holding down a full-time job remotely.  So for those of you who are ...

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5 Key Lessons from Stoicism

The lessons of Stoicism first resonated with me when I read Meditations. I was looking for direction in my life, and found it in Marcus Aurelius’ timeless text. Looking around today, I see a landscape similar to how I felt back then. So I wanted to write this blog, ...

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Empathy: A Key to the COVID-19 Crisis

In times of crisis, it is difficult to hold on to empathy. When faced with death, fear or scarcity, most of us retreat inwards. We put on our own masks first, before helping others. This is true of every situation which threatens to destabilise the normal order of things. And ...

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Managing Your State During the Corona Virus

I have been thinking – with all of the deluge of information on the Corona Virus this week, is there anything worthwhile I could add from an NLP perspective? Two things came to mind, from some of the ideas from Robert Dilts that we teach at NLP University: We ...

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How to Avoid Self-Sabotage and Binary Thinking

Human beings are naturally drawn to binary thinking. It helps us make sense of the world, which is large, confusing, and ultimately unknowable. Instead, we prefer to believe that, in any given situation, something is either X or Y, with nothing in-between. Never X and Y. This is because the human ...

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3 Steps to Overcoming Frustration

Facing Frustration I remember first listening to Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now, a couple of years ago. At the time, I was feeling frustrated in every single way. I was frustrated in my corporate job, where my biggest creative outlet was choosing which shade of magenta to use on ...

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Managing Your Mind — Negative Feelings and NLP

The Negative Feeling Cycle  Do you ever find that your mind goes around in circles — thinking and rethinking certain problems, your mental state worsening, with no more clarity as to how to solve the problem? Perhaps you also feel victimised, in conflict with other people? In this blog, I will give ...

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Improve Your Confidence With NLP

Confidence is so important to us because it acts as an antidote to anxiety. Being confident means not fearing the future, the present or the past. Being confident means knowing that, no matter what, you will be able to handle it. This level of self-confidence is extremely attainable. Your capacity ...

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How to Achieve Your Goals

It’s that time of year again — when the best-laid goals of New Year’s Eve slowly start to crumble. You go to the gym five times a week in January, twice a week in February, until, eventually, you stop going altogether. The worst part is — it’s the same every single ...

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How to Improve Your Creativity

In a world of increased automation, creativity is the one thing that remains exclusively human. Machines might take over the world, but they will have to be created first. Creativity, in other words, is inherently human.  But just because something’s natural, that doesn’t make it easy. Most of us struggle ...

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The Trouble with Vision

Many people start their journey of NLP and coach training because they are at a ‘cross-roads’ in their life. They are often in a life-transition phase – dealing with big changes, or a lack of purpose – and are looking for some answers. I have found that people often ...

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What Is Your Life Plan?

Most people come to NLP looking for answers. But the biggest question we face is the question of what to do with our lives. Our answers to this are formed in childhood. When we grow up, our specific dreams tend to change, but our aspirations do not. Most of ...

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New Year’s Resolutions: An NLP School Guide

Welcome to 2020! A number for perfect vision and new beginnings. Each year, we resolve to become a little better, and take one step closer to our ideal versions of ourselves. But in our quest for perfection, the New Year can start to feel like a test. One that ...

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How to Manage Negative Feelings and Reactions

One of the things I come across as a coach (and also personally) is having strong negative feelings when someone behaves in an aggressive or angry way. In this blog, I would like to give some suggestions to help cope with, and understand, negative feelings. I will be covering ...

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NLP Coaching for Life Transition

In this blog, I will cover a theme that stays pretty constant for coaches : how to help a client during a significant period of life transition. To misquote Shakespeare (in Twelfth Night) — some are born to cope with change, some become able to cope with change and some have change ...

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Emotional Challenges and the Environment

Some subjects are difficult to examine because they are complex, others because they are emotionally charged. The environment and your place in it is both.  This is one reason that many of us don’t make the best environmental choices. The subject is complex, there are conflicting explanations of what ...

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Techniques For Inner Peace

In this blog I will share some techniques for inner peace, drawn from the ancient Greek and Roman philosophy of Stoicism and modern NLP. I will also discuss how these techniques can help us live happier and more productive lives. But first, a brief bit of background; there are ...

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How Can Stoic Principles Help You?

This week, we have a guest blog from Ed Hines, who will be teaching our upcoming Environment, Identity and Vision – Your Purpose and Planning on a Changing Planet workshop with Robbie. This week he explores stoicism – its roots, what it is, and how it can help you. ...

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How You Can Deal With Change

Change for a New Era As I begin preparation for our course with Ed Hines, one of the key themes we will be covering is: how do you provide new coaching tools to deal with some the problems that we all face today? There is concern about major issues ...

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Clarifying and Updating Your Vision

Each year at NLP University in California a general vision is set. This summer it was ‘caring for the collective’. This naturally lead to many discussions about caring for our environment, not just for future generations, but for us now. This coincided perfectly with one of the reasons Ed ...

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