The Benefits of NLP for Personal Development

The benefits of NLP are myriad and different for each student. NLP School founder and head trainer Robbie Steinhouse discovered NLP 25 years ago whilst struggling with running a growing business combined with the demands of family life. Below is his take on how learning NLP benefitted him and ...

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Gaining a Personal Vision from a “Future Self”

At the 2020 NLP Conference I presented a session with the title ” Can models and theories co-exist” where, to cut a long story short, I made the argument that yes – indeed they can. In my Advanced NLP Coaching course I combine NLP Timelines with processes from Transactional ...

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The ‘Secret’ to Lasting Success as a Leader

In this video, I give some tips on business leadership and entrepreneurship. I am being interviewed in Tbilisi, Georgia by Nik Shurgaia – a close friend and an experienced bank CEO. Nik has gained a large following in Georgia by posting videos of his views on leadership and entrepreneurship ...

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How to Gain a Leadership Identity

Are you your job role? The word identity has multiple possible meanings. It can be perceived as a job role such as an accountant or a marketing manager. However, when you meet people who work in these roles, they often have shifted this skill set to their actual identity, ...

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Five Leadership Tips to Make Criticism Your Friend

In my Leadership Matrix model below, each character, or Archetype, represents a positive business energy. Each Archetype also has a Shadow – a potentially problematic manifestation of that Archetype. In this blog I will offer 5 tips around criticism, and relate them to the Archetypes I detail in my ...

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Leadership: The Capability Sets

In this blog, I shall look at the skills that make up effective leadership. The capability sets of leadership My model began life in the business world. If you find the tasks a bit ‘business-y’ on first appearance, please bear with me. I have subsequently found that they actually ...

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How to Coach Emotions in Business

One area that seems frowned upon in business is the idea of emotion. Business is generally conducted in a rational and steady way, and people who are ‘too emotional’ are often considered unprofessional or worse. However, it is also well known that when people repress their feelings totally, this ...

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Becoming a Leader: From Specialist to Generalist

Many people come to a point in their career where they realize that continuing to practice the specialist skill they have mastered has become an impediment to fulfilling their ambitions in becoming leaders. We are brought up with a belief that the way to succeed at work is to ...

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Leading Yourself Through Uncertainty

There is a saying: ‘charity begins at home’. Perhaps during these challenging times, we can change this to: ‘leadership begins at home’. In this blog I want to offer some ideas of how a leadership model can provide comfort and clarity in times of profound uncertainty and change. The ...

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How to Achieve Your Goals

It’s that time of year again — when the best-laid goals of New Year’s Eve slowly start to crumble. You go to the gym five times a week in January, twice a week in February, until, eventually, you stop going altogether. The worst part is — it’s the same every single ...

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My Three Most Influential Business Books

I was highly focused entrepreneur until my late 30s, when the ‘call’ to change was spurred by the ideas in Steven Covey’s business book, The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People. Starting an industry placement as part of my degree in my early 20s, I joined the sales force ...

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How Can You Tackle Your Imposter Syndrome?

During some recent coaching sessions, I was surprised to hear a number of people in senior roles saying they had ‘Imposter Syndrome’. What is Imposter Syndrome? Imposter Syndrome a phenomenon where individuals doubt their accomplishments and progress. Instead, they feel like they are on the brink of being exposed ...

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Embracing The Many Aspects Of Leadership

Last week I talked about four areas of ability, or ‘capability sets’, needed for successful leadership. These were: Operations (getting things done) Sales (dealing with people) Finance (dealing with money) ‘Pure’ leadership skills such as vision, optimism, decision-making and setting a personal example. Leadership: becoming a master In a ...

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The Four Qualities of Great Leadership

Today I want to look at the four qualities which are key for leadership, qualities that leaders need to bring to their work in each of the four areas: Thinking Sensing (energy) Feeling Vision Thinking is the world of the intellect, rational and dispassionate. Sensing is perhaps the hardest ...

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How to Use Team Coaching in Business

Team coaching is growing increasingly popular. It can be used to facilitate the quick assembly of high-performing teams. It can be used to maintain the performance of existing teams: chemistry can change when individual members leave, or cynicism can develop when teams get ‘stuck’. It is of particular use ...

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The Art of Business Decision Making With NLP

One of the key roles of a coach is to help their client make significant decisions. Decision-making is a subject I’m fascinated by – I’ve written two books on the subject – as the reality is much more complex than most ‘experts’ claim. The decider is perpetually having to ...

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How NLP Can Help You Avoid Burnout

One of the most challenging issues facing organisations today is the preservation of talent – ensuring that senior people keep up their energy and avoid burnout. Talented people don’t just perform roles; they identify with them: “I am a manager, a leader, an accountant, a designer”. Jobs as identity Their ...

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How NLP Helps HR Managers in the Workplace

NLP is full of techniques to use in the workplace, especially if one has managerial responsibility or is working as a consultant or HR professional. Modern management is largely about winning people round to your point of view. The old ‘command and control’ model taught on managers training courses ...

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How Will NLP Help With My CV?

An NLP qualification looks good on a CV. No, it’s not an MBA from Harvard Business School, but it’s all part of showing yourself off to your best. To start with, it makes a clear statement that you take the business of developing yourself seriously. It sends out the ...

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How Do You Know When Your Career Has Stalled?

We’re sold the story as kids: the working world offers us a career, which means a series of steps up a nice, clear ladder. Each step will bring more responsibility, more learning, a broadening of our horizons until, at the top, we can serenely gaze out over the world ...

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