The Coaching Approach to Communication

I would like to share three core principles which summarises what I call the coaching approach – a way of communicating that empowers someone else to make choices that are authentic for them: Advice Oscar Wilde said, “The best thing to do with good advice is to pass it ...

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The Benefits of NLP for Personal Development

The benefits of NLP are myriad and different for each student. NLP School founder and head trainer Robbie Steinhouse discovered NLP 25 years ago whilst struggling with running a growing business combined with the demands of family life. Below is his take on how learning NLP benefitted him and ...

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How NLP Coaching Works

NLP and NLP Coaching started by noticing the questions of famous therapists and putting them into different groupings, which became known as the Meta Model. The model was influenced by the famous linguist Noam Chomsky and his principle of surface structure and deep structure. Simply put, in NLP, surface ...

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The Drama Triangle – How to Spot Dysfunctional Behaviour.

The Drama Triangle is a psychological model generally used to describe dysfunctional relationships when people move through the roles of ‘victim’, ‘rescuer’ and ‘persecutor’ creating an emotional storm or drama. More generally, turn on a television, read a newsfeed or listen to a colleague, friend or family member who ...

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What is NLP, and How Could It Help Me?

NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming, uses perceptual, behavioural, & communication techniques to help people change their thoughts & actions. NLP was originally developed by Dr Richard Bandler and John Grinder. They observed sessions by psychotherapists such as Fritz Perls, Virginia Satir and Milton Erickson, identifying common patterns and positive ...

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NLP Techniques For Managers & HR Professionals

Many managers and HR Professionals attend our NLP courses, and in this article, we explain some of the key benefits they gain by using NLP techniques. To manage and mentor competent people, especially millennials, using traditional management methods simply does not work, or worse, can alienate people, in today’s ...

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Why Have Coach Supervision?

Whether you are a newly qualified coach starting to build your confidence and experience, or have many coaching years under your belt, supervision is an invaluable resource. It offers an opportunity to meet with an individual or group who absolutely gets what you do for a living. It’s where ...

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The Meta Model – How Beliefs Are Born

Working with beliefs in coaching is a fundamental part of helping clients achieve positive change. The Meta Model was the first model of NLP and was designed to help identify and categorise limiting beliefs into three groups: distortions, generalizations, and deletions. This post will give a summary of how ...

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Being Perfect Is The Problem!

Why do so many of us feel we need to be perfect? Psychologist Carl Rogers emphasized the importance of self-acceptance and being enough rather than striving for an unachievable perfection. He also highlighted the significance of unconditional positive regard, both for ourselves and for others. Perceiving ourselves as good ...

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NLP Practitioner Training – Why did I do it?

There is a saying in coaching and therapy: “The presenting problem is never the real problem.” Looking back to when I did my first NLP Practitioner training twenty years ago, I believed at that time that NLP would give me some new skills to help me manage my business ...

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How can creative writing enrich coaching and NLP?

As a budding author of fiction, my wife Anna arranged a creative writing lesson for me with her friend and author Hattie Edmonds. I was amazed to note how the ‘process’ fitted nearly exactly into Dilts’ & Gilligan’s six-step Generative Coaching structure. It also featured many principles I was ...

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Gaining a Personal Vision from a “Future Self”

At the 2020 NLP Conference I presented a session with the title ” Can models and theories co-exist” where, to cut a long story short, I made the argument that yes – indeed they can. In my Advanced NLP Coaching course I combine NLP Timelines with processes from Transactional ...

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How do you Define Your Identity?

Changing the way we define ourselves (our identity) can have some huge benefits but can cause some significant issues. A good way to start is to consider an important question – How do we define our identity? This could include: Our perceived roles in life: work, family, aspirational, race, ...

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The ‘Secret’ to Lasting Success as a Leader

In this video, I give some tips on business leadership and entrepreneurship. I am being interviewed in Tbilisi, Georgia by Nik Shurgaia – a close friend and an experienced bank CEO. Nik has gained a large following in Georgia by posting videos of his views on leadership and entrepreneurship ...

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How do Beliefs and Identity Overlap?

The Value of Santa Claus Having completed teaching our NLP Master Practitioner in Georgia yesterday, I wanted to explain some insights I shared around changing beliefs and identity. I started the training with Robert Dilts’ Belief Change Cycle, an elegant process based on the principle that most of our ...

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How To Use Somatic Archetype Coaching

Having recently completed creating Judy Delozier’s Somatic Coaching eLearning programmes, it struck me just how intuitive and powerful Somatic Archetype approaches are. In this blog I want to give a range of examples of how to use them in coaching and also in your own personal growth. Anchoring The ...

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NLP Practitioner Training – Why did I do it?

There is a saying in coaching and therapy: “The presenting problem is never the real problem.” Looking back to when I did my first NLP Practitioner training twenty years ago, I believed at that time that NLP would give me some new skills to help me manage my business ...

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How NLP Goal Coaching Can Change Your Life

In this blog, I will explain three parts of an NLP goal coaching process which I will be covering in full during our free lunchtime zoom session on 9th Feb. Coaching is often taught as a process consisting of a list of different types of questions. Behind these questions ...

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Guest Blog: Magical NLP by Rachel Brushfield

NLP is magical! Training in neuro linguistic programming (NLP) over twenty years ago is one of the best decisions I have made in my 30-year career. I did 3 courses over a two-year period, NLP practitioner, NLP masters and NLP coaching.  What NLP has offered me Not only did ...

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Clarifying and Updating Your Vision

Each year at NLP University in California a general vision is set. This summer it was ‘caring for the collective’. This naturally lead to many discussions about caring for our environment, not just for future generations, but for us now. This coincided perfectly with one of the reasons Ed ...

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How to Lead a Team with NLP

Team Profiling and NLP One of the important principles from NLP is the idea that people can have the same desired outcome, but the way they express it can be so different that it leads to major problems in a team. NLP has its own profiling methodology (like an ...

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NLP Practitioner Training – Why did I do it?

There is a saying in coaching and therapy: “The presenting problem is never the real problem.” Looking back to when I did my first NLP Practitioner training twenty years ago, I believed at that time that NLP would give me some new skills to help me manage my business ...

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