Careers – Developing …
American business guru Tom Peters said, “Take a course in psychology, not in technology.”
At NLP School, we think we provide exactly such courses, which have largely been devised by our Director and Head Trainer Robbie Steinhouse, a successful businessman who also has a passion for personal development.
NLP provides a toolkit of techniques for developing your existing career. It offers ways of understanding other people better, communicating with them better, and of understanding yourself better, too. Add to this the TA and Coaching skills we teach at NLP School and we have a powerful recipe for increased success in the workplace.
At some time in your career, you will be required to lead others. We also teach leadership, using our own model developed by Robbie based on his psychological research and years of business experience.
Careers – Changing …
Starting in a new job or embarking on a new career is a major life change. NLP provides a framework to explore new options, minimize risk and sort out any blocks. To use a metaphor, NLP can make career transition more like gently lowering a boat into the sea, rather than jumping in and hoping for the best.
NLP offers proven techniques to plan key changes, resolve difficult relationships and successfully influence others. One of the most important points of implementing any major decision is taking the time to identify how one change in our system can often lead to other unexpected and possibly unwelcome changes. NLP thinks systemically and provides ways of getting information beyond the usual conversational approach to career coaching.
Also, on our NLP training courses you will be with a group of people who do not have an agenda for you and will probably be at turning points in their lives too. Often it is the influence of new people, who have no investment in you staying as you are, that can be a real help; add to this the powerful concepts and processes of NLP and it could make all the difference.